Sep 21, 2008

A night 2 Remember..

BSSMelb's Royal Melbourne Show event was successful! We were worried not many would show up because people have began dropping out like flies... haha.. Surprisingly, there was a total of 22 people all together! Friends brought along their other friends, and new friends are made!

Mr. DG & Nudel(?) in bumper car

A big group of us broke our fast at the GoldAn Fork, ordering from briyani to various murtabak. We even got free slices of oranges by the owner, him knowing that we were fasting! How lovely was that?! At around 7:15pm we met up with other at the Flinder Street Station, and from there we took a train directly to the Showground.

Not long after we enter the playground, we hit the first exciting game we came across, the Break Dance! I forgot how nuts that ride was! Watching my fellow friends' face as they got twirled hard around was priceless!  Watching friends stuffing their face with cotton candy, popcorns, and corn cobs... It was a happy time, and I was glad everyone was enjoying it.

Those who came, thank you a million times! Those who missed it, you must go! The Royal Melbourne Show will still be in town till the 28th September. An event you don't want to miss!

Note: Fellow friends in Melbourne, raya is coming soon... get your tickets to BSSMelb's Raya Celebration!

To see more pictures: Royal Melbourne Show '08