Oct 17, 2008

Day in Bundoora

We started the day at LaTrobe University in Bundoora to Indonesia Week. It was the final day and they were having a speech competition. I enjoyed listening to local Australians talking in Bahasa Melayu. Too bad not many people came. During the break while the judges decide on who was the winner, Ms Sash entertained us with a song "Dia" by Sheila Majid (malaysian) or by Danar or Vina Panduwinata (indonesian).

On our way back to Mr RockBand's place, we decided to take photo with La Trobe's very own weird statue.

Once we got back to Mr RockBand's house, the rest of the Indonesian friends came and hung out with us. As usual, we played our latest entertainment: Rock Band and Buzzer!

Buzzer was tricky, yet always fun to play. I recommend it as a group game. Very entertaining for the whole family! I am thinking of getting one for my PS2...

For more pictures: Day In Bundoora