Apr 12, 2008

Back in Melbourne for 2008

Its been 3 months now since I arrived in Melbourne, decided to try this blogspot out and see how interesting this thing is. I have seen many bloggers setting their own blog, and it seems so fun! Covering events, speaking out their ideas and their opinions on things.

Well now I am in Melbourne, joined by my sister... family is getting bigger and bigger now... Maybe soon, my youngest brother might decide to join us in Melbourne. 

During the three months, my friends, my sis and I visit the Melbourne Zoo. I'll put that up sometime soon, along with other events that I have been going. :p

Anyways, nothing special going on now... just that we all swamp with assignments, and all are beating the deadline... Luckily, I'm down to one... and one more to go!!! Wooppeee!! Other than assignments, I miss home... I want to go visit home mid-year, but not a chance... Wish me luck on assignments!