Saturday, Mr Canon promised Mr Silhouette the sunset in Docklands.. So instead of the usual side of Docklands that we have always gone to, he brought us to the opposite side where private boats are parked... Looking at them makes me want to own one... ha-ha... like I ever need it.
Sun setting beyond the Dockland port... Isn't it beautiful? I caught this view with my cellphone. How cool is that the camera can help you capture an image. But of course, an slr does a better job in it.
With an slr, you can capture the view in a adjustable brighter setting... My cell isn't able to do that :p
Playing roll the ring.... I could see Mr Canon trying to move it, and Mr Silhouette assisting him... but the Ms Shooter and Mr DG was in the middle, kind of made it harder for them, doesn't it?
For more pictures: Otherside of Docklands
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